We believe in the value that civil engineering brings to society

Humanizing the Future of Engineering
Our mission

We reward excellence and support cooperation and development initiatives to inspire society and promote collaboration in the civil engineering community.

01. Empowering talent

We believe that excellence should be recognized and we want to accompany civil engineers on the journey from talent to professionalism.

02. Together we go further

Our concept of solidarity is linked to empathy, respect and transparency, always seeking a common purpose with our collaborators.

03. Connect with society

With one foot set in the past but always in the future, on the talent of tomorrow and on how we can innovate to build better road engineers and better societies.

In our principles we cement the way we relate to others


01. The importance of the road

We reward efforts to achieve the best results. We recognize excellence as a long-distance journey and not just a one-off result over time.


02. We share

From technical knowledge to social benefit, we seek to expand knowledge and generate a community around Civil Engineering that functions as a disseminator of knowledge and national and international talent.


03. Connect to build

We strive to be easily accessible, without fear of being transparent and communicating what we do. We seek to reflect direct communication, aligned with our values. We can only connect with what we understand.


04. We don't take anything for granted

Excellence lies in the ability to rethink what is already happening and create turning points for the future. We are constantly reviewing how to do things better and how to inspire new generations with the advances of society.


05. We want a conscious society

We want to approach and empower people who are committed to the world in which we live and with the ability to analyze our current moment and to be able to generate change. Constant collaboration in pursuit of positive developments.


06. We have our eyes on tomorrow

We start from the past but look to the future. We are constantly evolving to adapt to changes in the sector and to be able to be a real support for students towards the civil engineering of tomorrow.


07. Not afraid to communicate

We don't believe in engineering from afar. We believe that only through connection, not only with engineers, but with people, is the only way to honor civil engineering and to be able to communicate its transformative power of society.


08. Success is the
common benefit

We flee individualism and focus our narrative and objectives on a common good. We want to empower the success of others and we believe in achieving common objectives that help create better societies.


09. Empathy at the center

Close communication where we understand the needs of the other, we flee from paternalism and we approach our collaborators in an open and dialoguing way to build lasting bonds.

José Entrecanales Ibarra, pioneer and professor of civil engineering

José Entrecanales Ibarra is one of the most outstanding Spanish engineers, professors and businessmen of the 20th century.

He was born in Bilbao in 1899 and moved to Madrid to begin his career at the Special School of Road, Canal and Port Engineers, where he graduated with number one in his class and where he taught Ports and Foundations and Factory Bridges for 26 years. In this teaching work, he incorporated the most modern theories of Terrain Engineering, being a pioneer of Geotechnics in Spain and the founder of the powerful Spanish school in the discipline of Soil Mechanics.


His professional career began as a civil servant of the Bilbao Port Works Board, where he built the breakwater and the access to the Portugalete to Santurce railway and, in 1926, he joined the private company under the direction of José Eugenio Ribera, teacher and godfather of Entre Canales, who appointed him Head of the Technical Office of the Hydraulic and Civil Constructions Society (Hydrocivil), where he coincided with engineer Eduardo Torroja Miret.


José Entrecanales Ibarra not only stood out as a brilliant teacher and excellent engineer, but also as a visionary businessman. In 1931, together with Manuel Távora Barrera, he founded the construction company Entrecanales y Távora, S.A. This company was at the forefront of engineering projects at the time, developing railway lines in the 1940s, works for the Avilés steel plant, in the 1960s the construction of dams such as the Almendra dam (the highest in the world at the time) and in the 1970s in the construction of nuclear power plants and the Redia road plan. Within the building sector, Entrecanales and Távora built multiple emblematic buildings, including the headquarters of BBV and IBM in Madrid, residential complexes such as the Girasol Building, and various hospitals, hotels, universities and social housing. In addition, I have been setting up the company abroad since 1948. First in Morocco and Portugal and then developing such important projects as the construction of the EUROLEP Project (France - Switzerland), the Uranium Enrichment Plant in Tricastin (France), Bridges in Asunción and Concepción over the Paraguay River, Paute Hydroelectric Power Plant (Ecuador), Metropolitan of Caracas (Venezuela), Reforma Park Center in Mexico City, Cairo Thermal Power Plant (Egypt). The company created by José Entrecanales was established as a company that executes works and projects, offering its clients an extensive service supported by new technologies and based on quality and technical excellence. Entrecanales and Távora, S.A. in 2006, 75 years after its foundation, and after the merger in 1997 with Cubiertas and MZOV, it continues its expansion under the name of ACCIONA.


In addition to his outstanding professional career, José Entrecanalesibarra also stood out for his great humanism and his love for culture and the arts. In the Student Residence, he met Salvador Dalí, Federico García Lorca and Luis Buñuel, and his love for reading and his broad culture allowed him to maintain a friendly relationship with people in the category of Ortega y Gasset and Javier Zubiri. His interest in painting made him an important collector of painters of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.


In recognition of his studies, professional work, teaching and business activities, he was awarded the Great Crosses of Alfonso X the Wise and the Cross of Civil Merit. He also received the Collegiate Medal of Honor from the College of Highway, Canal and Port Engineers, in May 1983. He was a person who believed in excellence and this is demonstrated by the endowment he left to the School that had formed him, to award a Prize for the Best Doctoral Thesis on subjects related to Geotechnics, Foundations and Factory Bridges, as well as scholarships for doctoral students who intended to develop their theses on these subjects. This financial endowment has given rise to the Foundation that bears his name. On February 12, 1990, he died in Madrid, leaving behind him a deep imprint of wisdom and professionalism.

D. José portrayed in the gift painting of his

fellow teachers

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We invest in personal growth and excellence.
We realize our purpose, with clarity and commitment


millions of euros invested in programs


Prizes awarded


direct aid