We boost your career through our help

We are looking for students or engineers who want to develop a project with us
Apply to our grants

Open calls this year

Ayudas a la movilidad para doctorandos con Mención Internacional
Ayudas económicas para realizar TFG/TFMs en el ámbito de la cooperación al desarrollo. Convocatoria Extraordinaria

We promote opportunities and assist in the growth process


thousands of euros invested in scholarships in 2023


submitted requests


approved requests
Compilation of scholarship recipients

Discover the people who received scholarships in 2022

Leonardo Todisco

Ayuda Estancias Internacionales

Paula Botella

Ayudas para Doctorados con Mención Internacional

Daniel Bello

Beca TFG Cooperación al Desarrollo

Araceli Martín

Ayuda Estancias Internacionales

Compilation of scholarship recipients

Calls from previous years

FTG/TFM Development Cooperation

Pendiente de resolución

Promotion of Research